Starting Over Again

Met up with my running buddy last week for a walk and we ran for 200 feet but then walked the rest of the 2.5 miles. Yesterday, we got out there again and after a sufficient warm up, ran with a 1.5 min run/1min walk for about 2 miles. We were both grateful for not running the 3 min run/1 min walk that we used to do. We are both out of shape and today, my calves are sore.

Heard spirit of the marathon is on Netflix so took a sick day to recover from cold #3 and decided to watch it and now I really want to run!! The opening scenes of people collapsing after running the marathon was a frightening start to the documentary.

Because of the time off from running because of the hip/groin injury, I’ve had to adjust and accelerate my 30 week marathon training program for the Marathon in Sept. Coming up in a month is 10 mile race and I have confidence after walking 11 miles this weekend that at least I’ll be able to walk it =)

I love to run and am looking forward to getting back into the training program and gaining the endurance back.

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